Just when you thought China’s draconian measures to stop the deadly coronavirus pandemic couldn’t get any more draconian, the communist Chinese regime has announced a whole new level of medical tyranny: Door-to-door forced roundups of infected citizens who will be removed against their will and placed in “quarantine prison camps” that China absurdly calls “hospitals.” (Real hospitals don’t have bars on the windows of every patient’s room, see photos below…)
“Wuhan is told to round up infected residents for mass quarantine camps,” reports the New York Times, sounding almost exactly like InfoWars.com’s stories from weeks ago. (Isn’t it interesting how the mainstream media sooner or later sounds like the independent media when the truth comes out?)
“In an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus, China’s vice premier mandated on Feb. 6 that the Wuhan city government screen each resident’s body temperature by visiting their homes one by one,” reports The Epoch Times, warning that, “Chinese netizens are worried that the new regulation may inadvertently cause the virus to spread even more quickly.”
An official command from Vice Premier Sun Chunlan described the door-to-door mandatory medical search of every citizen in the region. Via TET:
At a Feb. 6 meeting on the outbreak response, Sun requested that the Wuhan government “use the whole city’s resources and visit each family, to find the four types of people” by taking their body temperatures.
The four types were referring to: diagnosed coronavirus patients; suspected patients; patients who have a fever and have yet to be diagnosed for the virus; and those who have close contact with diagnosed and suspected patients.
“You cannot miss any family, or any single person,” Sun said, according to state-run media.
Sun used “wartime” to describe Wuhan’s current situation, adding that all four types of people must be sent to the city’s quarantine centers or hospitals.
She threatened Wuhan officials that they would be punished if they miss any resident.
This means that merely having “close contact” with a “suspected patient” can result in you being placed under medical arrest, forcibly removed from your home and placed in a quarantine prison camp under military surveillance. There, you are very likely to be infected by other patients, of course, but China has a plan for that, too: Cremation vans that transport bodies straight from the “hospitals” to the cremation ovens in order to rapidly dispose of the bodies (see links and photos below).
The New York Times adds this quote from Sun Chunlan, who gave the order, sounding a whole lot like Hitler, Stalin or Mao: “Set up a 24-hour duty system. During these wartime conditions, there must be no deserters, or they will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame forever.”
As you read this article, remember that everything you are seeing in China today will come to America tomorrow. This has been true with Big Tech’s draconian censorship measures, the rollout of a “social media scoring” system that punishes dissenting views, as well as authoritarian medical mandates that are rapidly being ramped up across America (such as California’s SB 277 vaccine mandate law), following the blueprint of medical tyranny in mainland China.
The medical police state that has already become reality in China is just one CDC declaration from becoming the rule of law in America, as confirmed by the CDC’s claim of authority over all Americans during a pandemic outbreak. Click here to read the CDC’s full explanation of federal laws that allow it to run mandatory “medical police state” quarantine / roundup operations in America, just like we’re now seeing in China.
To repeat, everything you are seeing in China right now can be implemented in America with a single declaration from the CDC.
The effort is almost sure to spread the pandemic more rapidly, as it allows health “officials” who will surely be quickly infected with the coronavirus to invade every individual home in the entire region, spreading the virus from one home to another. The order, if fully followed, is almost guaranteed to accelerate coronavirus infections that have already exceeded 30,000, according to “official” Chinese numbers.
Remember, China is a communist nation that couldn’t control this coronavirus in a BSL-4 biohazard facility… how are they going to control it in the wild, on the streets of an open city populated by millions?
Via TET:
Sean Lin, a U.S.-based expert in microbiology and former virology researcher for the U.S. Army, [said], “her order worries me because the government cares more about politics than disease control, medical treatment, and humanitarian assistance.”
Netizens seemed to agree. Yanan, a Wuhan neitizen posted on Weibo that he and his family members have not left their home since Jan. 23 and are healthy so far.
“Now you [the government] will arrange a person from the outside to enter our home and measure our temperature by using a thermometer from the outside [which may be contaminated with the virus],” Yanan said.
He added that because his household does not have disinfectant products, he may not have the proper tools to prevent the virus from spreading when the staff takes their temperatures.
In other words, in a desperate effort to stop the pandemic, they are going to invade every home in the region and introduce new risk factors for spreading infectious disease, then medically kidnap the very people they are infecting and ship them off to quarantine prison camps where they are likely to die, but in order to avoid admitting to the deaths, they will burn the bodies in cremation ovens and pretend nothing happened. The plan is so disastrously ill-conceived that it almost sounds like something comrade Bernie Sanders would try to implement if elected President.
TET also reports how this entire effort may cause even more people to become infected:
Other experts, such as U.S.-based China affairs commentator Ai Li, were skeptical that taking body temperatures can accurately identify coronavirus patients, particularly as Chinese medical experts have already confirmed that some people infected with the virus may not exhibit symptoms during the incubation period—a timespan of up to 14 days—but can still spread the virus to others.
She also questioned the authorities’ decision to send suspected patients to quarantine centers, as they could cross-infect each other.
“If you see the videos [that Chinese netizens filmed] of the quarantine centers and makeshift hospitals, you will know immediately that even healthy people will be sick in that environment,” Ai said on a Chinese-language commentary show on YouTube.
Wuhan netizens shared videos of the conditions at those facilities, saying that there is no medicine, no medical staff, very limited food and drinking water, as well as cold, unsanitary environs with unstable electricity.
In other words, it’s a communist utopia! With this plan, China is making Venezuela’s dumpster-diving mass starvation apocalypse look like a fun day at the park.
Remember when Hillary Clinton said that FEMA camps are “fun camps?” In China, military-run quarantine prison camps are called “hospitals.”
All the rooms have bars on the windows to prevent “patients” from escaping, while held under armed guard by military troops.
Here’s a recent photo of one of these facilities under construction. Notice the bars on every window? They’re welded into place:
More videos of these quarantine prison camp “hospitals” can be found at NationalFile.com.
Just as the quarantine prison camps are being rapidly expanded to hundreds of thousands of beds, news is leaking out about the so-called “cremation vans” which are collecting dead bodies and ferreting them into cremation ovens to eliminate the dead as quickly as possible.
“In a bold claim, Chinese-language news outlet Initium believe that Chinese authorities have been cremating bodies in secret,” reports The Sun (UK). “This week, they interviewed people working at local cremation centres in Wuhan — where the virus originated from — who said bodies were being sent directly from hospitals without being properly identified and added to the official record.”
As The Washington Examiner relates:
“Also, one thing that #China is hiding is the number of death caused by the virus,” tweeted Deutsche Welle reporter William Yang. “Credible Chinese media outlet @initiumnews interviewed people working at local cremation centers, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centers.”
The mass cremation of the dead is one way China avoids having to report both infections and deaths. After all, there’s no need to test a person after they’re turned to ash, so the coronavirus can’t be explicitly blamed for their death (plus, the hot fire burns away any last shred of any virus). This “final solution” is so ingenious by communist standards that the Chinese regime will no doubt soon expand this practice to the living, too.
As an interesting note about the level of mass mental illness which has spread even faster than the coronavirus itself, the lying mainstream media continues to claim that anyone reporting the truth about the coronavirus pandemic is a “fear monger,” even as those same media pundits practically claimed the world was coming to an end when the measles was spreading at Disneyland a few years ago. (Hint: That tiny measles outbreak produced exactly zero deaths.)
Now, the media seems to be claiming that there is no coronavirus pandemic and everybody is just imagining it, somehow. Anyone who even dares to talk about the reality of the pandemic in China is immediately branded a “fear monger.” Remember this is coming from the same lying mainstream media outlets that told us President Trump was working for the Russians, and if we didn’t urgently remove him from office, he would sell Alaska to Putin and throw all the children of the world into cages.
So, yeah, you can’t really believe anything the mainstream media reports. They don’t know the difference between a pandemic and a pan.
But that’s why it’s so important to show the world the photos of what’s really happening in China.
This photos shows a partial image of one of these cremation vans — i.e. “ambulance” in China’s twisted word games — as men in hazmat suits prepare to load up the body of another victim who collapsed dead on the sidewalk and apparently bled out:
Here’s a top-down photo of another body or patient being loaded into an ambulance while under cover of what looks like a hazmat isolation structure:
As you see these photos, keep in mind that the lying fake news journalists of the mainstream media are right now trying to convince the world that none of this is happening:
Here’s another dead body on the sidewalk that the mainstream media in America is apparently claiming is all staged, sort of like an Iowa caucus:
Remember, too, that the lying mainstream media claims this coronavirus is “no worse than the common cold.” Yet how many times have you ever seen medical personnel in hazmat suits loading bodies into ambulances merely because the person had a cold?
Stay informed about the coronavirus pandemic by reading NaturalNews.com and checking the new uncensored videos at Brighteon.com.