All posts by

David Risselada

  • America truly is at the precipice of disaster. We have reached a point in our nation where all we held dear has been destroyed and liberty itself has been redefined as slavery and servitude as freedom. People no longer have regard for the well being of their fellow man as we seem to only accept […]
  • One of the most successful tactics employed by President Obama comes right out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. The fourth rule of power tactics, according to Alinsky, is using your opponent’s rules against them; or rather, making them live up to their own rules. This is something that Alinsky says is very effective as […]
  • This past week America got a glimpse into what was really meant when Barack Obama said we were five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.  The president demanded that school districts across the country allow boys who identify as female have access to girls’ locker rooms, bathrooms and even college dorms. […]
  • Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. (Communist Goal number 39 from Cleon Skousen’s “TheNaked Communist.” America, I have written several articles describing mental health and the way the Communists use it as a means of gaining control over our […]
  • As the government reports a major increase in job growth over the last quarter its ironic that a percentage of that growth is due to the increase in gun sales that resulted from the administrations push for gun control. At this point the American people understand that gun control is not about gun safety, it is about control, […]
  • In my last article I discussed the use of the Hegelian Dialectic in the creation of a national police force. Program 1033 is a deliberate attempt to militarize police, turn them loose on the citizenry and then create the demand that something must be done to reign in out of control cops. The solution of […]
  • In my article, Using the Hegelian Dialectic to Push for National Police Force, I discussed the idea that the President is using the problem-reaction-solution strategy to push for his promised “civilian security force.” Since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, Barack Obama and his fellow “race baiting revolutionaries” have made every effort to stoke the flames […]
  • On Friday President Obama once again issued a gun control executive order under the pretense that developing smart gun technology will reduce so called gun violence. The left is on a serious mission to accomplish their gun control objectives at all costs, as they  continually call for confiscation laws similar to those enacted in Australia. […]
  • “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: Its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas then America will collapse from within.” Joseph Stalin America as we have known it is on the verge of total collapse. It is doubtful that the Republic we once […]
  • Thanks to the main stream media and anti-gun political agendas the word militia is likely to have most running in fear. The word brings to mind images of ragtag red necked racists running around the woods with “machine guns” and swastikas. While there are certainly radical groups out there claiming to be militias; the concept […]
  • James Cone is known as the founder of Black Liberation Theology. Many people may not have heard of this until the election of Barrack Obama and his involvement with Pastor Jeremiah Wright came into public view. Black Liberation Theology is a byproduct of the radical social justice movement of the 1960’s and is the forbearer […]
  •   Donald Trump continues to prove that he is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination.  There has been no expression of what one would consider to be traditional conservative values, aside from the constant rhetoric on illegal immigration and the now infamous slogan, “Make America Great Again.” In fact, The Donald has […]
  • More information about the increasingly unpopular Common Core Curriculum is beginning to reveal itself, and it isn’t pretty. Not only does this new curriculum attempt to standardize education on a national level; it also appears that there is a massive data collection system in place to track our children’s educational progress as well as their […]
  • I once had a professor who admitted in front of the class that he was a socialist. Having figured out that there was a deliberate effort to indoctrinate students into the tenants of socialism rather than actually educating them, I thought I would be a little “radical” myself and call him out. I asked him […]
  • “By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last […]