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Celebrity doctors promoted COVID jabs without declaring payments received from pharma giant
By Ethan Huff // Jun 17, 2024

Several high-profile doctors who appeared on television to promote and debate the alleged benefits of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" are facing scrutiny for failing to disclose that pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca paid them to appear.

Dr. Ranj Singh, for instance, who regularly participated in primetime promotional segments that aired on BBC, received £22,500 (about $29,000) from AstraZeneca to shill its COVID shot, this according to records from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).

Just last month, Dr. Singh led a discussion on the BBC breakfast show "Morning Live" to talk about the alleged safety of the AstraZeneca injection. Dr. Singh also spoke about "serious but rare" complications, suggesting to viewers that they would more than likely be okay getting jabbed with it.

What Dr. Singh failed to tell viewers is that AstraZeneca paid him to appear on the program. Dr. Singh also failed to tell BBC that he had taken cash from the company, instead deceiving the network into believing that he was speaking of his own volition.

"The segment on the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was balanced and covered reported risks and benefits," claimed a BBC spokesman. "We became aware of Dr. Ranj's 2021 work for the manufacturer after this segment aired and have now addressed this within the show."

(Related: Remember when Focus on the Family sold out to the coronavirus cult by telling Christian followers that they should get jabbed with COVID "vaccines?")

Beware the scourge of shill doctors

Another Big Pharma shill who appeared on television to promote COVID injections after being paid to do so is Dr. Nighat Arif. All throughout the "pandemic," Dr. Arif appeared on BBC Breakfast to push the shots, this after taking in £10,000 (about $13,000) from AstraZeneca.

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Back in April, Dr. Arif appeared on ITV's "This Morning" program to discuss the potential side effects of the AstraZeneca injection, including blood clots, reassuring viewers that such effects are "very, very rare."

Much like what BBC did for Dr. Singh, ITV released a statement suggesting that Dr. Arif's analysis was "fair, accurate, and balanced," adding that "in her capacity as a medical professional, [she] described the scientific process by which the vaccine could cause a blood clot."

"She indicated that this was 'rare' on the basis that the number of people who had been identified as having suffered a clot as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine was statistically small in comparison with the millions of people who had received the vaccine," a network spokesman further revealed.

"This is in accordance with information published by the government this year. She also referenced the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines within the discussion."

Then we have Dr. Phillipa Kaye who was paid £12,500 (about $16,000) by AstraZeneca in 2020, followed by another £9,000 (about $11,500) payment from the company in 2022, to shill its COVID injection on social media.

Dr. Kaye was seen posting videos of herself online encouraging the public to get injected. On X (formerly Twitter) in April 2021, Dr. Kaye told her followers about the "benefit vs. risk for the AZ vaccine," stating that the "risk of dying from a clot with the vaccine is one in 2.5 million."

"If 2.5 million 40-year-olds get COVID, 2,000 will die and one in 20 (125,000 people) will have long COVID," she further suggested. "Benefit outweighs risk."

ABPI director Alex Fell is being urged to investigate whether or not any of these doctors breached his organization's code of practice for pharmaceutical companies. A letter sent by Graham Stringer and Lord Strathcarron explains that Clause 24 of the ABPI code requires pharmaceutical companies to include provisions about the disclosure of payments made when they forge contracts with physicians.

The evil ones who unleashed COVID and the "vaccines" will not get away with it forever. Find out more at Plague.info.

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