While Assange and WikiLeaks have yet to release the exact email exposing this, they have yet to be proven as anything but trustworthy. What Assange has told all of us about the DNC's corruption -- thanks to WikiLeaks having hacked into their email server -- has been the undeniable truth thus far. So when Assange tells us that Bernie Sanders was threatened, the smart money is that he's being honest with us.
It's not difficult to understand why the Clinton campaign felt like threatening Sanders was necessary. Clinton was initially seen as a shoo-in as the candidate for Democratic Party, but after the unlikely Bernie Sanders began capturing the affection of liberal millennials across the country, the campaign began to get a lot less cocky.
Of course, Crooked Hillary eventually came out on top, with Sanders eventually dropping out of the race in order for Clinton to enter the frontline. But why he dropped out has been the source of controversy ever since.
If Sanders was threatened, that means that the potential next president of the United States is willing to threaten innocent people in order to get what she wants. Given that her ideals seem to differ drastically from the average American person, this is absolutely horrifying and dangerous for a multitude of reasons.
The Clinton administration's corruption runs deep. Since Bill first entered the White House decades ago, there has been a hilarious amount of controversy surrounding the family. After Hillary joined the political game, things have grown even more corrupt and unjust. Between the Clinton body count to the Benghazi situation and the aforementioned email scandal, any logical person can see that she is a legitimate problem for the well being of our country.
As free Americans, we need to loudly voice our concerns that Hillary has the potential to destroy all of us. If she is willing to threatened a member of her own party because he was becoming more popular than her, then what is she willing to do to those of us that directly oppose her rise to power?
With her in charge, all of us are in trouble. It may sound like an overreaction or a ridiculous attempt to smear Hillary, but it just isn't anymore. Hillary has been proven to be a corrupt individual who cares more about financial gain than the well being of her country's citizens. That isn't going to change and we have a duty to stand up against it.